April 12•13 Kindergarten and Primary School Admissions Process
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April 12 Middle School and High School Admissions Exam
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Health and Well-being

NÛN Schools attach great importance on psychological, emotional, physical, social and spiritual well-being of all students. For this purpose, we put serious efforts into providing an educational environment where students feel comfortable, healthy, happy, and secure.

There are three different infirmary units in NÛN Schools: one on the Boys' Campus, one on the Girls' Campus, and one on the Primary School campus. Full-time nurses work in our campus infirmaries to take care of students' medical needs, such as vaccination, weight, and height follow-ups. At the same time, on certain days of the week, our institution doctor working in the infirmaries of NÛN Schools can perform examinations as needed by our students. Every year at the beginning of the academic year, the "Student Health Form", which is sent to our parents, is filled in full by our parents to ensure that the health issues of our students are monitored in cooperation with our parents.  If any health-related problems of our students occur during school hours are recorded in the system so that parents are informed on the same day. In case of an emergency, the numbers on the "emergency contact list" are reached.

For students who are allergic to things such as fruits or nuts, the food engineers in our school make arrangements on the menus, and the necessary measures are taken within the institution by informing the kitchen staff.

Our students eat healthily with additive-free and natural meals and snacks prepared in our dining halls. Nutrient-dense foods are carefully selected, and the portions are determined according to the daily needs of the students. In this way, our students are supported to acquire balanced eating habits throughout their lives by having the opportunity to make healthy choices.

Students in NÛN Schools get acquainted with sports at an early age through the sports fields located inside the campus. The physical, cognitive and affective development of our students are comprehensively supported. They grow up with sports, which supports their characters to be extroverted and respectful individuals. We aim for our students to become individuals having high social and communication skills. For this purpose, we include physical exercises in their daily lives and to experience different sports branches by considering their individual needs and differences.

Proper cleaning, disinfection and ventilation procedures of the school buildings are carried out continuously and at regular intervals. In our school, the need for drinking water is met from packaged water or sensor water dispensers. Training is provided to employees in the cafeteria, service, cleaning and security companies, with regular inspections to ensure compliance with our school's criteria for hygiene and work.